Half-Life Purchase Options

Half-Life Fallout has a list of purchase options for Half-Life 2. Six CDs, three different Steam packages, and Counter-Strike: Source available for play by next week. Does that mean HL2 will be available at the same time, or shortly thereafter?

But it’s gonna cost more to get HL2 (through Steam) with CS:S than without it? Ouch, that’s gonna be a tough choice.

Update: HLFallout.net is running a bit slow, Halflife2.net has the information on their front page, also.

Microsoft sends 150 SP2 CDs

This would make a good “This is Broken”: some guy was able to order 150 Windows XP SP2 CDs from Microsoft, and they sent them all, and in individual envelopes. Microsoft should put in a little dupe checking in that script of theirs.

Tim Wilson - The Nascar Song

The Nascar Song by Tim Wilson - This song is funny, my dad especially will get a kick out of it. If you haven’t had enough experience with Nascar to recognize the names, though, you probably won’t find it amusing.

New $50

Not that you see them as often as Yuppie Food Stamps, but the firty-dollar bill got a new design (including color). Here’s a comparison with the newest $20 design, just for reference.

The Incredibles trailer

The Incredibles, trailer 2. Hell, yeah. Take that, dilettante Dreamworks dickheads.

Canadian Journalist Saved by Google

A few weeks ago, Canadian Journalist Scott Taylor was kidnapped by insurgents in northern Iraq. A Google search helped save his life. (Streaming audio)

RotK EE Release

Return of the King Extended Edition info:

Release date: December 14
Pre-ordering starts: October 1 (This Friday)
Movie length: 4 hours, 10 minutes
More information here

Update 09-28: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition is 208 minutes. The Two Towers Extended Edition is 208 231 minutes. The Return of the King Extended Edition is 250 minutes. 208 + 208 + 250 = 666 minutes. Update update: IMDB and Amazon disagree about Two Towers' runtime. I'd be likely to agree with IMDB, though, so that means the symbolism is broken. Oh well!

Voters Information Guide

Everyone who’s a citizen of the United States should be required to read the Voters Information Guide for the 2004 Election. The best part is the link to Just Vote in the absentee section. Those of you who live in New York and are still registered in Connecticut should definitely check that page out. I’m looking at you Chris and Mari.


Zoom in to a zipcode with zipdecode. I hate it when I see something and realize that I’ve wanted something like this, but just never connected the synapses to think that it would be either possible or cool.

Database upgrade

This weekend, Justin upgraded PostgreSQL on Eris (translation: the database software on my webhost). Best-case, this will solve all the weirdness that I’ve been experiencing with rebuilds, but more likely it’ll cause more problems until I can actually fix the tables. Again, reply or email me if you see anything seriously funky.

Mars Rovers get another six months

Just after passing behind the Sun ("conjunction"), the twin Mars Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) have received another six-month mission extension.

350 GBAs

qdot: NRRRRRR I HAVE 350 GBAs.

Drag and drop DOM

I do three kinds of things at work:

  1. Work. Sub-things: programming, monitoring management
  2. Not work. Sub-things: surfing, programming
  3. Semi-work. Usually proof-of-concept programming. This is the most interesting thing I do. WEBoggle started as a "what's this DOM thing I keep hearing about" semi-work. Here's another one.

Terminator 3

I finally saw Terminator 3 last night. I had heard mixed reviews of it when it first came out, and I was not expecting anything more than a decent action movie. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that it was very well incorporated into the greater timeline of the series.

Looking up some trivia online, though, people can’t seem to decide what the model number of the Schwarzenegger Terminators are. I’ve seen “T-101”, “T-800”, and “T-801”. The proper series number is “T-800”. Although the HTML is terrible, eterminator.com has a great reference on the Terminator models, taking information from all three movies, the T2-3D ride, and all of the novel-ifications.

I Interviewed

I gave an interview today. It was a totally surreal experience. I think I was more nervous than he was.


In the same vein as the PSone, here comes Sony’s PStwo. (Okay, that’s not the real name, but it should be). That thing is ridiculously tiny. Barely more than an inch thick and one-quarter of the volume of the original. Yikes.

HL2 RC Sent

The Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, and Half-Life: Source Release Candidates have been sent to Vivendi. Now we play the waiting game (some more).

The waiting game sucks. Let’s play Hungry, Hungry Hippos!

Milgram's Other Study

This is the most amazing thing I’ve read in weeks, about Stanley Milgram’s other study: ‘Excuse Me. May I Have Your Seat?'

Beer is Good For You

The are a lot of good reasons to drink a glass of red wine every day. Now, there might be just as many to drink a pint of stout, too. Bring on the Guinness!

The Norm is Over

If I still read it, I would have known about this earlier, but Michael Jantze ended The Norm, apparently as of this last Monday. The story is that his wife is trying to raise money so that Michael can make the comic strip purely online. This, combined with PvP’s “free for newspapers” deal makes this an interesting time for print comics. Let’s hope this is the start of change in the industry.

But let’s not hold our breaths.

Quake IV

Quake IV. Not being made by id, but based on an id engine (Doom 3, obviously). It’ll look good, but will it be good?

Update 09-16: Just FYI, it's being made by Raven Software, makers of games such as Jedi Outcast, Soldier of Fortune, and Elite Force. All of those were fun games, to say the least. That bodes well.

CD Spindle Lamp

I think it’s been about four years since I purchased blank CD-R media, but somehow I have more discs than ever. This project to make a disc spindle lamp makes me want to burn a lot of them quickly.

RotK EE Changes

New Line has yet to announce an official release date for the Extended Edition of Return of the King, but the rumor is that it’ll be December, and the exact date will be announced in the next couple of weeks.

More interestingly, here is an incredibly long list of the added scenes. Spoilery if you don’t want to know what’s going to be in it, but let me say this: wow. Almost every single major and minor scene that I missed will be included. This is going to be an amazing movie.

100 Photographs that Changed the World

100 Photographs that Changed the World

Gabe's son Gabe

Read the story about Gabe's son's birth (it's the second post on that day, titled "My son"). Here are my first two thoughts:

  1. That's the best baby shirt ever made.
  2. Gabe (his real name is Mike Krahulik) named his son Gabe? Should I name my firstborn Plutor?