A Decade In Review

Tomorrow, it will be 2010.

Ten years agoNow
I was a sophomore at RPI, considering a double-major in Computer Science and Management.I am a developer/manager for a small company.
I lived in a tiny dorm room in the crummiest suburb (Troy) of one of the crummiest capital cities in the country (Albany).I live in South Boston in a condo I own. I have a patio and a garden.
I was dating my High School sweetheart, who went to college almost five hours away. I saw her about once a month.I'm married to my High School sweetheart. I sleep in a bed with her every night.
I stayed in my old bedroom at my parents' house every month or so.Someone else owns that house, and my parents live in an RV. They're currently in the Florida Keys.
I hung out with college friends, and once a month saw friends from High School.I hang out with college and Boston-area friends. I don't see my Philly-based and California-based High School friends often enough.
I'd had a handful of beers (sorry mom, it's true) but was not legally able to purchase alcohol.I spent a Benjamin on a bunch of champagne for tonight's New Year's Eve party.
I was programming mostly in C++ (both for school work and working on Science and Industry) with a little bit of Perl.I'm programming mostly in Java (work and Android app development) with a little bit of Perl and Python.
I ran a community website called WSVW1U.com.I run a personal website called Plutor.org.
I was planning the third iteration of a holiday I invented, called National Vacuum Awareness Day.NVAD expired after 2001. I still have dozens of shirts in my basement. Buy one?
I frequented Slashdot, Ars Technica, and suck.com.I'm active on MetaFilter, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr.

The Anti-gift

What I asked for for birthday/Hannukah/Christmas: Freedom from shoe shopping. I hate that all the shoes kinda look the same to me. And I feel like I’m inconveniencing the salesperson every time I want to try on a different style. (Plus my feet are wide, so it’s hard to get the best fit the first size I try.) And you only get like three minutes to decide on a pair of shoes. What I wanted was for someone to go to the store, pick out five or six styles of shoes, buy them in 10½, and bring them to me. I could wear them at home over a weekend, pick out the ones I like the most, and then the giver would bring the others back.

What I got: A ride to the mall to buy shoes. No, wait, I drove. I guess all I got was “Let’s go buy you new shoes”.

Non-fun with MySQL

Some days, nothing goes right.

mysql> drop table node_details; ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table ‘node_details’ mysql> create table node_details ( id integer ); ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table ‘node_details’ already exists mysql> drop database local_nodes; ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table ‘node_details’

This exercise in un-collapsed waveforms brought to you by this not-a-bug bug.

Why I use Windows

If you’re lucky, this is the last time you’ll hear me mention Windows 7 for a while. But I’ve received a number of queries about my continued use of it for a while now. I have some very excellent reasons that I figured I should put in writing for easy reference.

  1. Proactive non-reason: I don't hate Apple. I think their hardware is beautiful and I think Mac OS X is one of the most usable Operating Systems around (although it's got a learning curve like any OS does). Their prices are on the high end of reasonable, considering the hardware is generally top-of-the-line and well-built.
  2. Proactive non-reason: I am pro-open-source. I think Linus' Law is spot on, and I think that "Release Early, Release Often" is a faster way to quality software. But I'm not an ideologue. I run Linux exclusively at work, but also I use plenty of closed-source applications without complaining. I'll even purchase DRM-ed media without much grumbling.
  3. I like to build my own computers. There's something about the hundreds of interlocking details that appeals to my nature. The challenge of learning (or re-learning) interfaces and chipsets and how memory works is exciting. (Aside: I find the enjoyment that I get from following sports to be somewhat similar. They're complex worlds with details that are almost entirely self-consistent. And its the exceptions and quirks that make them enticing.)
  4. Unfortunately, Mac OS X doesn't work on non-Apple hardware, at least not officially. And I don't feel comfortable applying a delicate hack that will make that work on my every-day machine.
  5. My wife needs Windows for phone syncing and work applications. As a doctor, there are a number of applications she runs on her phone and at home to access charts and medical databases. Some of them have iPhone options, and a couple have cripped web versions, but none of them that I know of yet have a full-featured client that will work under either Mac OS X or Linux client.
  6. I like to play games. I do it less than I did back in college, but I still spend five or six hours a week playing Team Fortress 2 or Trackmania or a number of other games. There are few Mac OS X or Linux versions of most games: Windows is by far the most popular gaming platform. (Gaming works well in Parallels within Mac OS X, but you still need a Windows install/license.)
  7. Dual booting is more trouble than it's worth. I have no problem with Windows. In fact, so far, Windows 7 is really nice and stable and it plays nice with all of my hardware. I have several good reasons to use Windows, but no compelling reason to use something else. So I have no reason to go through the effort to set up a second OS.

Quick ACL reviews

Here are some quick reviews of shows I saw at Austin City Limits.

Shows that were really great:

  • John Legend - He's quite a showman. He made a comment about ACL not usually having much R&B, but I think he probably convinced them it was a smart move.
  • Kings of Leon - I only caught about the last 20 minutes of their show (I was at the Yeah Yeah Yeahs during most of it) but they were great.
  • Mute Math - I wasn't expecting a lot from their show, but they're way high energy. The lead singer finished off the show by playing something that looked like a guitar-shaped theramin.
  • Flogging Molly - In the rain. That was something special. They went long, though, which was surprisingly annoying.
  • STS9 - Missed half of their show (I was at John Vanderslice and The Scabs), but their electronica is just so fun.
  • Ghostland Observatory - I had never heard of them before, but they were recommended (and it was them or Dave Matthews at the end of day 2). Two guys and the most kickass light show I had ever seen. Possibly my favorite act of the weekend.
  • Ben Harper and Relentless7 - From what I hear, very different from Ben Harper's solo stuff. Reminded me of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, which leads me to believe their non-live stuff might not be as exciting as the show was.
  • Girl Talk - This was the 25,000 person dance party near the end of day 3. An amazing way to end the weekend. A very close second for best act.

Shows that were disappointing:

  • The Walkmen - For certain types of music, yelling instead of singing is okay. This wasn't one of them.
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Not terrible, I just had never realized how similar all their songs sounded. Wish I had gone to all of Kings of Leon's show instead.
  • Mos Def - He came on 20 minutes late, played drums(!) for two great songs, and then bullshitted with the band for ten minutes before doing another song. Decided to bail in favor of John Vanderslice.
  • The B-52s - What was I even expecting?

I’ll have photos up as soon as CVS gets their act together and develops them. Maybe tonight.

Guy movie month

My wife is going to be halfway across the world for essentially all of the month of October. I have a couple of projects that are going to occupy much of my time, but I’m also planning on catching up on a backlog of action movies. I’m looking for suggestions of good action or Sci-Fi movies from the past five years or so. Here’s a list of the ones I came up with off the top of my head that meet the criteria of “oh yeah, she doesn’t want to see that”.

  • Knowing
  • The Simpsons Movie
  • Traitor
  • The Italian Job
  • Shooter
  • The Transporter
  • Crank
  • Solaris
  • Nerdcore Rising
  • The Prestige
  • Clerks 2
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  • Terminator Salvation

This isn’t a great list. I’m sure some of them aren’t worth seeing, and there are probably 50 that should be added. Give me some suggestions.

Graphic design and misinformation

Last week, Representative John Boehner released a chart intended to show the complexity of the proposed health reform bill. The magazine New Republic shot back with a chart of their own of the current system. A graphic designer on Flickr redesigned Rep. Boehner’s chart to be actually informative, and it is spectacular.

Kick-ass gazpacho

What follows is my recipe for delicious summer gazpacho. In my opinion, it’s the bread and the oil and the wider variety of veggies than usually found that does the trick. Also, the lack of cilantro prevents potential seasoning woes.

  • 2 large (28 oz) cans of whole tomatoes
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 big vidalia onion
  • 1 or 2 jalapeños
  • 4-ish slices of bread
  • 1/4 cup good olive oil

(If you put the cans of tomatoes in the fridge the day before making, your gazpacho will be ready for eating faster.) Remove the seeds from the cucumber, peppers, and jalapeño. Coarsely chop half of the tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onion, and all of the jalapeño. Put them in the blender. Add the bread, oil, and juice from the second can of tomatoes. Puree until smooth. (You might have to blend in two batches. This is okay.) Chop the rest of the vegetables very tiny. Mix, and put it in the fridge. Enjoy cold.

Transformers 2 reviews

I never saw the first Transformers movie, and I never had any plans to see the second one, but I’ve come across three separate reviews for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that have left me somewhat breathless. I can’t think of another movie that was so thoroughly reviled as completely worthless:

  1. Michael Bay Finally Made An Art Movie: "...the movie's id overload reaches such crazy levels that the fabric of reality itself starts to break down. ... After a few hours of this assault, you feel the chair melt and the floor of the movie theater becomes an angry mirror into your soul. Nothing is solid, nothing is real, everything Transforms."
  2. Roger Ebert's review: "The plot is incomprehensible. The dialog of the Autobots®, Decepticons® and Otherbots® is meaningless word flap. Their accents are Brooklyese, British and hip-hop, as befits a race from the distant stars. Their appearance looks like junkyard throw-up. They are dumb as a rock. They share the film with human characters who are much more interesting, and that is very faint praise indeed."
  3. Trans-Coon-ers: "Skids and Mudflap seem to be everywhere, bantering, fighting each other... sheesh. The only thing they don’t do is shoot craps and eat chicken with watermelon. At one moment, even, LaBeouf’s character asks the two if they can read a robotic script that will reveal crucial information. 'Uh, we don’t do too much readin,' one drawls."

Now the only question is: Does this clinch my plans to never see this movie? Or do I need to rent something this hideous, just to be able to say I looked at the face of cinematic death and didn’t blink?

Stack Overflow

I’m not a huge fan of karma-accumulation websites. You know what kind of site I mean: Other people can vote up or down your stories and comments, and you get points when you’re voted up, and lose points when you’re voted down. There are lots of these, each with their own scoring foibles: Digg and Reddit are two of the most well-known. Slashdot has done it for a while (in fact, I think they’re why I still call this concept “karma”). The concept is good: You limit the requirements for moderators by allowing users to essentially moderate each other. If a post or comment gets enough down votes, it might vanish. If a post gets a lot of up votes, it becomes more prominent. Fewer dedicated moderators generally means lower overhead costs and, in theory, a “fairer” moderation policy.

In practice, though, there are a lot of things to not like about these schemes. Accumulating points becomes an end in itself, which leads to posting a lot of simple or purposely-misrepresented posts (“whoring”). When points are used to control if your posts are seen at all, creating multiple sockpuppet accounts to vote up your own contributions (“gaming”) is inevitable. On the larger sites, an above-the-fold link can mean tens of thousands of hits; gaming then becomes a lucrative business. Preventing whoring and gaming through algorithms can work, but search engine optimizers are smart and tenacious. It’s a continuous arms-race.

Stack Overflow logoStack Overflow is a point (“reputation”) accumulating site that somehow works extremely well. At first glance, it is a simple programming question-and-answer forum where you gain reputation for answering questions and having those answers voted up or chosen as “correct” by the asker. But there’s a number of things I haven’t seen anywhere else that makes Stack Overflow excel where other sites struggle. The most obvious difference is that you are able to do more things as you gain reputation. You can’t even vote up questions or answers until you’ve received a couple of votes of your own, increasing the burden to entry for sockpuppets and gaming. Maybe more importantly, points accumulation isn’t single dimensional. Stack Overflow gives you badges for activities that are difficult to game, and displays your badge count right next to your reputation.

But there’s a bigger reason why this works on Stack Overflow. There’s no real benefit to gaming or whoring. Since the focus of the website is question-and-answer, instead of directing traffic to other websites, there’s almost no way to make a profit from having a question voted way up. And the relative smallness of the audience compared to some of the giants out there means that even if there was a way to turn a profit, focusing on other sites would still give you a better return. What’s left to be seen is if Stack Overflow can keep such a high signal-to-noise ratio as it continues to grow.

An anecdote from my childhood

My parents made a censored version of Raiders of the Lost Ark for me when I was young. Indiana Jones escapes from the tomb, blows up the plane, steals the ark back from the Nazis in the desert, gets on the ship with Marion, THE END. I was probably in my teens before I saw the whole version on television. I had never even questioned it.

Someone’s going to bring it up, so here’s another anecdote: When I was very young, my parents called the ice cream truck the “music truck” to keep me from screaming every time I heard it. I don’t know how long that one lasted, because I have no memory of it.

Why I'm Still Writing Java

Just over a year ago, I was sitting in a classroom at Sun’s virtually deserted Burlington campus, learning a new programming language from a living human in person for possibly the first time in my whole life. The class itself was a little slow; it definitely wasn’t geared towards experienced developers. But it was more effective learning than fiddling at work had been, since it successfully prevented all distractions. Now that I’ve had a year to work with the language (and have gone back and forth to programming in Perl), there’s several reasons why I’m still using Java.

  1. Strong typing: Perl has no type safety, and I used to think that was an asset. But when you have a dozen programmers working on hundreds of source files, type conflicts can easily get introduced and go undetected for a long time. Objects are hashes, references are scalars, and arrays are quietly scalar-ized.
  2. WAR files: Releasing a new version of a website is brainless with Java. See that .war file that was built by Eclipse or Maven? Copy it to your server. Done.
  3. JUnit, Hibernate, Spring, log4j: Perl has a lot of freely available modules. But not a single one of them is as useful as Hibernate alone. It encapsulates database objects transparently, and is remarkably flexible. We've got a lot of awkward legacy database schemas, and without Hibernate's flexibility, we'd be building database objects by hand with JDBC. Spring's dependency injection and session management, JUnit's unit testing mechanisms, log4j's logging simplicity, and Maven's build architecture mean we spend less time planning and re-planning the infrastructure of our applications and more time implementing functionality.
  4. Eclipse: I know that there are Perl plugins for eclipse (EPIC in particular), but they never added that much useful functionality as far as I was concerned. Having a full-featured IDE with method completion and inline error display saves me huge amounts of time.
  5. Everything is a reference: Java's object-oriented nature reminds me a lot of C++ (that's the OO language I have the most experience with) except for the lack of the object/pointer paradigm. The fact that everything (okay, okay, besides primitives) is a reference keeps me from having to remember all of my pointer-management skills.

I could probably come up with a dozen other reasons that I enjoy programming in Java, but those are the big ones that make my life easy.

New desktop, try 2

After doing yet more research on benchmarks and prices, I’ve backed away from my revolutionary stance on Intel processors. The Athlon 64 X2 represents a fair approximation, and the CPU and motherboard combo I’ve chosen will save me about $150 off of the Intel alternative. Here’s what I’m ordering tonight:

Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-MA780G-UD3H (780G chipset, ATI Radeon HD 3200 on-board, although I won’t be using it) CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600 (Dual 2.9GHz cores, 2x512K L2, 65W) Video card: Radeon HD 4870 1GB (My first PCIe x16 card! Note that this is actually a bump over the previous plan) Memory: G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 (1066 MHz, dual-channel, CAS 5. A tiny upgrade in speed) Hard drive: Western Digital Caviar WD6400AAKS (640GB, 7200 RPM, this hasn’t changed)

Add in an HDMI cable (my screen and current video card support it, but for some reason I never got around to buying one) and one of the best reviewed AM2 heatsinks on the market, and it all adds up to just over $550 including shipping. Even cheaper than I was expecting.

The savings will probably go towards an HTPC build from the old hardware. Details to come! Maybe!

The earliest news events I remember

The first five news events I actually remember (and my corresponding ages) were:

  1. 1986-01-28: Challenger explosion (6 years, 1 month)
  2. 1986-02-09: Halley's Comet passes Earth (6 years, 2 months)
  3. 1986-10-27: Mets win the World Series (6 years, 10 months)
  4. 1987-10-19: Stock market crash on Black Monday (7 years, 10 months)
  5. 1988-11-08: Bush defeats Dukakis (8 years, 10 months)

One of the most interesting things I learned while looking up these events is how close together the Challenger disaster and the Halley’s Comet perihelion were. In fact, the Shuttle mission (STS-51-L) and the following scheduled mission (STS-61-E) had apparently been scheduled to observe the comet up close. In my mind, those two events were far apart. Along the same lines, the Mets won the World Series just a couple of months after my family moved to Connecticut, but somehow I suddenly became a Mets fan.

New desktop specs

I’ve got my new desktop birthday gift essentially planned at this point. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Tom’s Hardware and Ars Technica, and both of them are pointing at Intel for solid mid-range desktops nowadays. There’s some disagreement over whether the Core i7 (Quad-core on one die! Triple-channel DDR3!) is worth the price premium over the Core 2 Duo. I’ve decided that, for me, it’s not. I don’t do enough video gaming anymore for four cores to be effectively utilized. Even two cores feels like a bit of a waste.

We’re still deciding on a case (although I really like everything Lian Li, like the PC-7B plus II) since the case is a part that I feel that M should have a say in. But the guts are going to be as follows:

  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 (Dual core, 3.16GHz)
  • Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P (Intel P45 Northbridge. X48 was tempting, but I don't need that much PCIe, and I probably never will.)
  • Video card: Radeon HD 4850 512MB (This was a hard decision. The HD 4870 1GB would be so much faster, but in the end I don't game as much as I used to, and another $100 for the performance is too much.)
  • Memory: G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) (DDR2 800, Dual Channel, CAS 5. The Motherboard has four slots, so if when I need more memory, it'll be simple.)
  • Hard drive: Western Digital Caviar 640GB (7200 RPM, SATA 3.0Gb. I'm a hard drive miser. I could splurge for a 1TB drive, but I've never even filled my current 160GB disk.)
  • Optical drive: I'll move the NEC ND-3550A DVD-RW from my current desktop. It's still solid.

Update, Mar 3: I just ordered the parts, but not before a whole bunch of stuff changed.

Passwords in email

Dear web sites:

Please do not send me my password in plain-text in an email. My email is not necessarily secure. The protocols by which email is sent through the Internet are unencrypted. When you send me an email with my password in it, I delete it immediately. phpBB does it. So does Geni. Movember did it, too. There are only two cases when you should send me a plain-text password in an email:

  1. When I create an account, and you generate a password for me.
  2. When I tell you I forgot my password, and you generate a new password for me.

The fact that you even can tell me my password in plain-text indicates to me that your database is insecure. Anyone with access to it would be able to get everyone’s plain-text usernames and passwords. Please change your database schema to use a one-way hash to store passwords.

2008 Oscars Scoresheet

It’s that time of year again: Oscar nominations! The 81st Academy Awards nominees were announced today, and here’s my scoresheet:

Category # seen
Best Picture 1 2
Best Actor 0 1
Best Actress 0
Best Director 1 2
Best Screenplay 1
Best Adapted Screenplay 1 2

Another banner year here at Plutor.org for seeing movies in the theaters. I’ve seen the entertaining but overrated Slumdog Millionaire and the fantastic and completely deserving WALL-E. If (as I hope) I see The Wrestler and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in the next month, that’ll give me 5 more points.

How’d you do?

Update Jan 26: I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button this weekend. I have to say, neither of the Best Picture nominees I’ve seen have really blown me away. Both this and Slumdog Millionaire were good movies, but I don’t think they’d have made the cut if they were made last year.

Logo tricks

Lots of people know about the hidden arrow between the E and the x in the FedEx logo. Did you also know:

Mostly taken from reddit.

1234567890 seconds after the epoch

On Friday, February 13, at 23:31:30 UTC (6:31:30pm EST), Unix time (the number of seconds since New Year’s 1970) will hit 1,234,567,890. I will be visiting several nerd friends in Philadelphia that evening. What drink should we have to celebrate?

  1. A power hour, starting at 5:31pm. (Dangerous, sickening, and probably too early in the evening.)
  2. 1ml of rum, 2ml of vodka, 3ml of whiskey, etc. (Adds up to almost exactly one nasty-tasting shot.)
  3. A single reasonable beer. (YAWN)
  4. ...?

2008 in books

I thought that looking back on my list of books this year, I was going to feel somewhat disappointed. My late-fall reading list was thin. But actually looking on the list, I’m having a hard time picking out my favorites. Here’s the list of the books, along with some notes on the books I particularly enjoyed.

See also by book lists for 2007, 2006, and 2005.