JavaScript Flickr carousel

My wife and I made something a couple of weeks ago, and her name is Simone. Our families and some friends want to see lots of pictures, but most people don’t want us to flood their Facebook feeds with baby photos (nor do we want to). So we’ve been uploading them to Flickr mostly, but I wanted a slightly simpler page where people could just see a carousel slideshow of photos of our daughter. There was no good immediately-integrated-with-Flickr JavaScript carousel I could find, but I was pretty easily able to integrate it with Fotorama.

Here is the final product (and beautiful pictures of my girl). Here are the easy steps to do it yourself:

  1. Sign up for a Flickr API key. If this is a non-commercial site, it's free and instant.
  2. Grab the download or copy the hotlink markup from the setup page in the Fotorama docs
  3. Add this markup to your page:
    <div class="carousel" data-auto="false"></div>
    There's a lot of configuration options you can add besides that. Here's the full list.
  4. And now the final step, the JavaScript that populates the carousel:
      <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
          var AddPhotosToCarousel = function(data) {
          var imgs = [];
          $.each(, function(index, photo) {
            imgs.push({img: photo['url_m'],
                       thumb: photo['url_sq'],
                       caption: photo['title']});
            $('.carousel').fotorama({ data: imgs });
          $.getJSON('[](,url_m&jsoncallback=?',) AddPhotosToCarousel);

You must put your API key and your photoset’s id into that big URL you pass to $.getJSON(). If you want the photos to show up in reverse order (as I did), change imgs.push() to imgs.unshift(). You can display things other than photosets (search results and such), but you’ll need to dig into the Flickr API docs to build those queries yourself.

What Bill Belichick has done with the Patriots' first round draft picks

There’s a running joke that Bill Belichick likes to trade out of the first round of the NFL Draft, acquiring a larger number of late-round picks. This joke depends on his identity as something of a passionless rogue thinker. So after he used his first round draft pick last night to draft an actual football player, I decided to look back at his history as Head Coach (and de facto General Manager) of the New England Patriots. Here’s the full list of what he did with first round picks:

  • 2000 (#16): Sent to Jets as compensation for his own hiring
  • 2001 (#6): Drafted Richard Seymour
  • 2002 (#32): Traded up to #21, drafted Dan Graham
  • 2003 (#14): Acquired via trade for Drew Bledsoe, traded up to #13, drafted Ty Warren
  • 2003 (#19): Traded down to 2nd round plus 2004 1st round
  • 2004 (#21): Acquired via above trade, drafted Vince Wilfork
  • 2004 (#32): Drafted Ben Watson
  • 2005 (#32): Drafted Logan Mankins
  • 2006 (#21): Drafted Lawrence Maroney
  • 2007 (#28): Traded down to 4th round plus 2008 1st round
  • 2008 (#7): Acquired via above trade, traded down to #10, drafted Jerod Mayo
  • 2008 (#31): Forfeited as penalty for SpyGate
  • 2009 (#23): Traded down to #26 plus 5th round, then traded those for a 2nd and two 3rds
  • 2010 (#22): Traded down to #24, then again to #27, drafted Devin McCourty
  • 2011 (#17): Acquired via trade for Richard Seymour, drafted Nate Solder
  • 2011 (#28): Traded down to 2nd round plus 2012 1st round
  • 2012 (#27): Acquired via above trade, traded up to #21, drafted Chandler Jones
  • 2012 (#31): Traded up to #25, drafted Dont'a Hightower
  • 2013 (#29): Traded down for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th round picks
  • 2014 (#29): Drafted Dominique Easley

So in the past fifteen drafts, he’s drafted 13 players in the first round (including 2 after trading downward within the round and 4 after trading upward) and got out of the first round entirely 5 times. Draw whatever conclusion you like, but that doesn’t seem like a particularly strong trend to me. From 2007-2011, however, he traded down or out with 5 of their 6 picks – I wonder if that’s where this reputation originated.

Analysis of "Gloss"

There is a short poem titled “Gloss” by David McCord, written to draw attention to English words that appear to be antonyms of words that don’t exist. It goes like this:

I know a little man both ept and ert. An intro-? extro-? No, he's just a vert. Sheveled and couth and kempt, pecunious, ane, His image trudes upon the ceptive brain.

When life turns sipid and the mind is traught, The spirit soars as I would sist it ought. Chalantly then, like any gainly goof, My digent self is sertive, choate, loof.

Which of those root words have been simply lost to history, and which never existed? You can have a word that starts with dis- and isn’t an antonym, e.g. “distance”, is that the case with any of these words?

  • (in)ept - Direct from the Latin ineptus, although thanks to Latin's complicated rules, the opposite was aptus, which survives in the English word "apt" (and aptitude and adapt and others).
  • (in)ert - Like inept, this comes from the Latin, in this case inertem. The non-negative version artem became "art".
  • (intro/extro)vert - The second half comes from the Latin vertere (to turn), and is the source of the word "versus".
  • (di)sheveled - This word originally meant "bare-headed", from the Old French des- and chevel (hair).
  • (un)couth - In Old English, this meant "unknown", the negation of the root cuð, the past participle of the word cunnan meaning "to know". It is also related to "can" (in the sense of being able to do something) and "could" and "cunning".
  • (un)kempt - Kempt is certainly less common, but it's far from dead.
  • (im)pecunious - Direct from the Latin. The root word pecunia is also the source of the English "pecuniary".
  • (in)ane - The first one that was a Latin adjective in its own right, not a negation.
  • (in)trudes - From the Latin trudere (to push). In this case, the in- prefix doesn't mean the opposite, but rather "into" (therefore: extrudes).
  • (de)ceptive - The Latin root capere (to take) took a slightly more roundabout route to "capable".
  • (in)sipid - Related, somewhat, to the word "sapient", via the Latin root sapidus/sapere.
  • (dis)traught - Distraught comes from the word "distract", perhaps modified like the past participles "caught" and "bought".
  • (in)sist - From the Latin root sistere (take a stand). Like intrude, the prefix means in/on, although the reverse never made it to English. Related to assist.
  • (non)chalantly - From the French non- and chaloir (have concern for)
  • (un)gainly - From the Old Norse un- and gegn (convenient or direct). Related to "again" and "against".
  • (in)digent - The prefix here isn't in-, but rather Latin indu and egere (need, want)
  • (as)sertive - "Assert" is from the Latin asserere (to claim). (Aside: either this is out of place, or I'm misinterpreting which word the author was using. I see no way to interpret "as-" as a prefix)
  • (in)choate - The last two are the most interesting. This word used to have a more straightforward and less judgemental meaning. From the Latin in- (meaning on) and, strangely, cohum (the strap fastened to an ox).
  • (a)loof - The prefix "a-" is similar to the same prefix in anew or afoot, and the Middle English loof is from the Dutch loef (the weather side of a ship).

Final count: 11 negations, 5 prefixes with non-negation meanings, and 3 words not constructed with a prefix.