The Anti-gift

What I asked for for birthday/Hannukah/Christmas: Freedom from shoe shopping. I hate that all the shoes kinda look the same to me. And I feel like I’m inconveniencing the salesperson every time I want to try on a different style. (Plus my feet are wide, so it’s hard to get the best fit the first size I try.) And you only get like three minutes to decide on a pair of shoes. What I wanted was for someone to go to the store, pick out five or six styles of shoes, buy them in 10½, and bring them to me. I could wear them at home over a weekend, pick out the ones I like the most, and then the giver would bring the others back.

What I got: A ride to the mall to buy shoes. No, wait, I drove. I guess all I got was “Let’s go buy you new shoes”. v10

In celebration of what was apparently’s sixth birthday a couple weeks ago, I hereby unveil version 2.0 7, let’s say it’s version 10 of my blog. Simpler, cleaner, no more silly orange stripes or fixed menus. I hope the individual pages put more emphasis on discussion, and I hope that in the future, I spend more time writing than linking.

Thanks to Brian and Chris for being the actual impetus behind this change. They staged a webdesign intervention, and to them I am grateful.