Rosi's photos

Rosi’s work on InLiquid.

Update 08-23: Since I was just about on my way out the door, I didn't look too carefully at these pictures when I made the post. Looking at them now, they're phenomenal. I love the style, and they're obviously framed and developed by someone with a great eye and a lot of patience. These pictures are part of Rosi's thesis at The University of the Arts. Congrats to Rosi.

Alton Brown's sorta-blog

Alton Brown’s sorta-blog, updated every couple weeks or so. See his March 5 post in particular.

The Tallest bridge in the world

The Millau viaduct, the tallest bridge in the world. Details at Wikipedia.

Slashdot 10^7th comment

Slashdot's ten millionth comment sums up the whole thing very well.

  • Post 4M to 5M: 153 days
  • 5M to 6M: 138 days
  • 6M to 7M: 121 days
  • 7M to 8M: 120 days
  • 8M to 9M: 102 days
  • 9M to 10M: 112 days

At a roughly constant rate of posting, it will take 3 years to post 10 million more comments, or about 27 years to get to 100 million.

Achewood book preorder

This is the only thing I’ve ever wanted.

Drinking Nitrogen

Once in a while, when trying to debunk an urban legend, we can all forget that sometimes they’re true and get a mouthful of liquid nitrogen. Or is it this story that’s the urban legend? (Hm, shades of The Rocket Car)

Wikipedia and the Hurricane

I love Wikipedia. It’s a bit scary to think that all of their hosting is done in a single place, which is in the path of Hurricane Charley. Update, 08-16: Looks like they did fine, since Charley turned northeast away from the Tampa area.

TV RSS Feeds

Although it’s not quite what I had in mind, Nomad will find these TV RSS feeds awfully close.

Remember when Google Answers debunked one of those stupid “So you think you know everything” emails? Well, Fark has considerately accumulated all of the useless and untrue facts in a single place! Yippee!

Periodic Table Table

I found this a while ago, but it makes a good Friday-afternoon goof-off link. The Wooden Periodic Table Table. Inspired by an Oliver Sacks book — Uncle Tungsten — and later visited by the same (and likely the only) world-famous neurologist. Some highlights: His Sodium party (watch the videos), the radioactive Fiestaware bowl, and Flourine storage.

Should NYC Secede?

“If New York were its own country, its army, the New York City Police Department, would be the twentieth-best-funded army in the world, just behind Greece and just ahead of North Korea. Its GDP, $413.9 billion, would be the seventeenth largest, just behind the Russian Federation and just ahead of Switzerland. With more than 8 million residents, it would be more populous than Ireland, Switzerland, or New Zealand; roughly half the countries in the Middle East (including Israel); most of the former republics of the Soviet Union; and all the Scandinavian countries besides Sweden.” Should New York City Secede?

DailyWTF and ThisIsBroken

Two sites, that while not exactly related, both focus on similar themes. Both are part of my daily Web Routine:

  1. This is Broken
  2. The Daily WTF

Klein Bottle hat

You gotta love those math nerds. Be the dorkiest kid on the slopes with your new Klein Bottle Hat! (More about Klein bottles at the wikipedia entry)

H2G2 Teaser

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy teaser trailer. Lots of mirrors in the discussion, but the official link worked for me. This is going to be the best movie ever made, no matter how bad it is.

North Pole

Apparently there’s a highway north of the North Pole.

L&O: Artistic Intent

Law & Order: Artistic Intent. I love the show, and I love the final piece in this collection: “A Night Away”. Update 14:36 - You guys thought CSI had a lot of sunglasses shots. L&O is just too nerdy for sunglasses.


Fleep. [via Chris]

Doom3 Benchmarks

There are no words to describe how I feel about 68.5 fps Doom3 at 1600x1200 at high quality. I wouldn’t have said it was possible. (Page 4 actually looks at non-crazy-expensive video cards).

Most wanted Gmail features

Vote for the Gmail features you want the most.

The Hundred Thousand Gallon Restaurant

The Hundred Thousand Gallon Restaurant, from the infinite depths of the Halfbakery. Try the top ten, they’re delicious.

Google math problem

You’d think this would be easy. Sadly, 10-digit numbers don’t fit in 32 bits. I’ll let you know when I’ve solved it.

OMFG Magazine

OMFG Magazine

Penny Arcade Remix Project

Penny Arcade Remix Project. A little old, but still funny.

Achewood book deal

Achewood gets a book deal. I’m so fricken excited.

Gmail API

Gmail Agent API, plus a lot of great details on URLs and how the Javascript works.